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本教程是关于HoudiniL-systems使用技术核心训练视频教程,时长:3小时35分,大小:6.7 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Houdini附源文件,共26个章节,作者:Tyler Bay,语言:英语。


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L-systems offer a great way of procedurally modeling geometry, and with these skills, you’ll be able to create a wide variety of complex objects. If you’ve ever wanted to create foliage, complex fractal geometry, or spline-based models from scratch, then L-systems offers you a procedural way of doing so. Unlike many other tutorials, this course aims to address the topic in an easy-to-follow, technical, and artistic way.
In addition to L-systems, you’ll learn more about instancing and how to work efficiently with Houdini. We’ll be rendering out millions of polygons with both Mantra and Redshift while aiming to optimize render times as much as possible. These optimizations are applicable across a wide variety of 3D topics. Large scale environment creation, destruction, crowds, and real-time render engines are all examples of other 3D topics which will benefit from this course.


CG素材岛 » Houdini中L-systems使用技术核心训练视频教程