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Blender与Substance Painter制作3D科幻头盔视频教程-CG素材岛

Blender与Substance Painter制作3D科幻头盔视频教程


本教程是关于Blender与Substance Painter制作3D科幻头盔视频教程,时长:4小时18分,大小:2.6 GB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Blender, Krita,作者:Brian Albrecht,共18个章节,语言:英语。


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First person shooters and the space marine characters that inhabit those games have been all the the rage since the beginning of the genre and continue to remain popular to this day. That’s why having the ability to generate cool, sci-fi hard surface assets is an important skill to have in order to thrive in the game industry.
Taking ample inspiration from a popular first person shooter protagonist, let’s take on the fun task of creating a battle helmet asset that will fit onto a space marine character. I’ll take you through all the steps across modeling, texturing, and rendering the asset so that it can look its best for your game or online portfolio.
Once you learn the techniques involved in creating this awesome helmet, you’ll be fully equipped to expand on it and generate other pieces of armor or hard surface video game assets as you please.
So don’t wait. Hop right into this course and upgrade your 3D game art skills right away!



CG素材岛 » Blender与Substance Painter制作3D科幻头盔视频教程