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本合集是关于音乐电视MTV胶片质感包装高清视频素材与音效合集,大小:12 GB,格式: MOV(透明通道),WAV,分辨率:2K,4K,适用于各类影视后期软件,附使用教程,供设计师学习使用。


%title插图%num %title插图%num

Create an unique RETRO Look Fast with this revolutionary workflow
(Inspired by the Music Video Visual Effects from Travis Scott)
*Compatible with Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, DavinciResolve and more
*Ready to go Filters
*Just Drag & Drop (It works with an Alpha Channel)
*20 Designer Transitions
*5 Different Filmgrains & Textures
*Extended Version inside to create your unique Visual Film Look
*[NEW UPGRADE] 30 RETRO Sound FX Included
*From Filmmakers for Filmmakers
*Tutorial Included
This Pack is inspired by the visual effects used in Travis Scott’s Music Videos. In the blink of an eye – Sicko Visuals will transform Your Footage into a stunning Piece of Art! Have a look at my tutorial on how to use the pack, for a quick and intuitive workflow!
4K UHD (3840×2160)
Instagram Storie (1080×1920)
Square Social Media Newsfeeds (1080×1080)
Filetype: mov
Download-Size: 16 GB
Last Update: 27.05.2020
Created: 27.05.2020



CG素材岛 » 音乐电视MTV胶片质感包装高清视频素材与音效合集