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本教程是关于Blender星球大战异星实时环境概念设计大师级视频教程,时长:4小时55分,大小:6.2 GB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Blender,作者:Jama Jurabaev,共18个章节,语言:英语。


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This is a crash course on Real-time environment design in Blender Eevee.
4+ hours of content covering real-time environment creation from A to Z in Blender.
This course is suitable for both, experienced Blender users and for artists making first steps in Blender.
Add-on`s used:
Megascans Bridge (Required – FREE)
Physical Atmosphere (Optional)
Quick deform (Optional)


CG素材岛 » Blender星球大战异星实时环境概念设计大师级视频教程