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DaVinci Resolve 16达芬奇视频入门技巧训练视频教程-CG素材岛

DaVinci Resolve 16达芬奇视频入门技巧训练视频教程


本教程是关于DaVinci Resolve 16达芬奇视频入门技巧训练视频教程,时长:2小时30分,大小:1.1 GB,教程使用软件:DaVinci Resolve 16,共24个章节,作者:Chraibi Adam,语言:英语。

DaVinci Resolve是世界顶级调色系统,在大量好莱坞影片、广告、电视节目的制作中被广泛采用。此次更新添加了很多用户需要的功能特性,而且结合了Blackmagic Design研发的新图像处理技术。DaVinci Resolve是世界顶级调色解决方案。DaVinci Resolve提供比其他系统更好的实时调色,因为它构建于高性能GPU集群,打破了单机性能屏障,确保所有调色处理都能实时进行。DaVinci Resolve拥有真正实时解决方案所具有的性能,因此即使调色师执行了大量一级调色、二级调色、Power WindowsTM、多点追踪、模糊等操作,调色也能实时进行。DaVinci Resolve可提供高性能但低成本的解决方案,而且可以通过添加更多GPU进行升级以获得超级计算机性能来处理4K分辨率、立体3D,以及直接对ARRI raw和RED raw R3D原生格式进行调色。


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Learn how to make professional videos in DaVinci Resolve 16
What you’ll learn
Video editing
Cinematic looks
DaVinci Resolve
DaVinci Resolve free or paid
Hello lovely creative people, do you want to learn how to make professional edits in DaVinci Resolve 16?
If yes, trust me you will not find any better course than this one with all due humbleness.
My name is Adam Chraibi. I’m a professional video editor and designer, and now I spend the whole day setting in front of my computer creating the best awesome courses YOU can find on the internet.
In this course you will learn all the video editing techniques that will take you from a beginner in DaVinci Resolve to an intermediate user of the program. The reason why I didn’t say expert because to be expert in anything it takes some time you can’t become expert just after finishing a course.
I will be focusing mostly in video editing and different editing tips and tricks which means I will not be wasting your time in fusion tab and fairlight audio tab because those are not the main focus of the course, we will only talk about those tabs briefly, and also because I really feel like Black magic should put in more effort in the fusion tab it’s not it strongest point.
Also, we’re not going to do color grading because I have already published the ultimate color grading crash course for beginners, but we will explain how nodes work and create a cinematic look for our short movie that we will create from a script that I wrote.
Now if you are ready to upgrade you video editing skills in Resolve this course is for you.
Enroll NOW
Who this course is for:
Video editors
Content creators


CG素材岛 » DaVinci Resolve 16达芬奇视频入门技巧训练视频教程