本软件是由allegorithmic机构出品的Substance Painter三维纹理材质绘画软件V6.2.2 Mac版,大小:2.2 GB,支持Mac系统,语言:英语。
Substance Painter是最新的次时代游戏贴图绘制工具,具有一些非常新奇的功能,比如粒子笔刷,可以模拟自然粒子下落,粒子的轨迹形成纹理。Allegorithmic Substance Painter是一个全新3D纹理绘画程序与以前从未见过的功能和改善工作流程,使纹理创建 3D 资产比以往更容易。它被公认的最崭新和简便易用的 3D 画家在那里。

Substance Painter is a brand new 3D Painting app with never before seen features and workflow improvements to make the creation of textures for 3D assets easier than ever. It is acknowledged as the most innovative and user-friendly 3D Painter out there.
3D PBR Painting
• Use a complete and familiar set of texturing tools: PBR and particle painting, Substance procedural effects, smart materials and smart masks, and fast baking.
Iray Pathtrace Rendering
• Render directly with NVIDIA Iray and enhance your images with Yebis post-process effects.
• Toggle the viewport in new fullscreen mode for an immersive painting experience.
Automated Texturing
• Use and reuse presets and integrated bakers to speed up texturing.
Smart Materials
• Create and reuse your own mesh-adaptive materials
Smart Masks
• Create and reuse your own mesh-adaptive mask presets
Integrated Bakers
• AO / normal map / etc.