
本教程是关于Blender混合式科幻场景建模视频教程,时长:2小时,大小:1.6 GB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Blender,共6个章节,作者:Jan Urschel,语言:英语。




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Learn to create a moody sci-fi interior/exterior scene. We explore different lighting scenarios, a variety to surfaces and materials to help push your scenes further. Bonus: a little spaceship kitbashing action.
What topics are covered?
– modeling, shading and lighting of the environment
– how to repurpose older models for something new
– basic lookdev and rendering with Eevee and Cycles
– Quick overview of Photoshop paintover
Who is it for?
Designers/Artists/Creatives who are interested in new ways to create.
What will I get?
– 2 hour video tutorial with narration
– 3D source BLEND file
– PSD file
– textures
What do I need to have before I start:
– Blender 2.82
– basic knowledge of Blender
– experience with digital image making workflows
– Adobe Photoshop or equivalent
Who made this?
My name is Jan Urschel and I’m a professional concept designer and creative director working in the film and video game industry working on projects such as Captain Marvel, Ghost in the Shell, Rogue One and many more.


CG素材岛 » Blender混合式科幻场景建模视频教程