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Luminar AI照片编辑修图工具V1.0.0.7189版-CG素材岛

Luminar AI照片编辑修图工具V1.0.0.7189版


本软件是关于Luminar AI照片编辑修图工具V1.0.0.7189版,大小:830 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

这个Luminar 是一款智能的AI照片编辑修图工具,使用Luminar 对图片进行增强优化,图层,混合,曲线图,Luminar 最引以自豪的是其运行速度明显提高,300% 的性能增速体验,在 RAW 图片处理速度,偏振滤镜,去雾霾滤镜,细节强化,梦幻柔焦,LUT,烛光滤镜,日落效果,可调渐变,HSL 调色等功能上的处理速度增倍从 4 倍到 12 倍不等。



AI photo editing. Awesome. Faster. The first image editor fully powered by artificial intelligence. With Luminar AI, creating striking photos is fun and surprisingly easy. Add realistic atmospheric effects with 3D depth — fog, mist, haze, steam, drizzle — with Atmosphere AI. Create a magical mood without masks and layers. Atmosphere AI
Add realistic atmospheric effects with 3D depth — fog, mist, haze, steam, drizzle — with Atmosphere AI. Create a magical mood without masks and layers.


CG素材岛 » Luminar AI照片编辑修图工具V1.0.0.7189版