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本资源是关于44组大师级数字绘画自定义Procreate笔刷合集,大小:1.7 GB,格式:brushset,附使用教程,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Procreate(Mac)软件。

Procreate 是一款安装在 iPad 上的功能强大、界面直观的数字绘图应用程序。它设有许多深受艺术家喜爱的功能,其中包括 120 种简单易用的画笔、高级图层混合、64 位性能以及功能强大的画笔引擎。由于 Procreate 专为 iPad 设计,所以它充分利用了 iPad 的所有优势。 创意人士非常喜欢 Procreate,因为它设计直观、速度流畅、原片处理能力强大,因此艺术家们可以随时随地创作出色的数字作品。


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Here is a list of things you will find inside
44 custom Hi-res Procreate 5 brushes
20 mins VOICE-NARRATED video explaining how I use the brushes
PDF listing and explanation
3 Full timelapse videos of my previous artworks done in Procreate
3 High-resolution Artworks
You will also receive any additions/updates to the brush-pack in the future for free.
Some of the main brushes were inspired by the traditional medium. All the brushes were created using the new Procreate 5 engine to simulate the traditional feel while having a style statement.


CG素材岛 » 44组大师级数字绘画自定义Procreate笔刷合集