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本合集是关于178组荒凉小山丘沙石高清参考图片合集,大小:2 GB ,格式:JPG,分辨率:2374×1599,19270×6086,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材。


%title插图%num %title插图%num %title插图%num %title插图%num

A vast and barren desert environment captured during dawn, dusk and twilight. The desolate volcanic landscapes feature jagged rock formations, fields of black rubble, and dark mountains in the distance.
Main Category Nature
Photo Count 178
Camera Model Sony α7RII
Focal Range 16mm – 200mm
Format JPEG
Min Resolution 2374×1599 px
Max Resolution 19270×6086 px
Location Frieland, Iceland


CG素材岛 » 178组荒凉小山丘沙石高清参考图片合集