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本合集是关于594组动物骨骼解剖结构高清参考图片合集,大小:2.3 GB ,格式:JPG,分辨率:1220×1609,7952×5304,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材。


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A collection of animal bones, skulls and full size skeletons, including species both large and small: birds, fish and marine animals, land mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Deformed and dissected parts are included for anatomical reference and texture details.
Main Category Character
Photo Count 594
Camera Model Sony α7R II, Sony α6000
Focal Range 16mm – 200mm
Format JPEG
Min Resolution 1220×1609 px
Max Resolution 7952×5304 px
Location Exhibition


CG素材岛 » 631组动物骨骼解剖结构高清参考图片合集