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本教程是关于PS中2D爆炸VFX特效动画制作工作流视频教程,时长:4小时30分,大小:1.7 GB,MP4高清视频格式,使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Think Citric,共22个章节,语言:英语。



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Make your own 2D explosion animations for your game, video or cartoon. Clear, easy, and super fun!
What you’ll learn
Getting familiar with Photoshop commonly used tools and effects
Creating various cartoony frame by frame animations
Ways of making your 2D explosion VFX more powerful and substantial
Exporting animation as a sprite sheet ready for use in your 2D game
Keyboard and mouse
Adobe Photoshop license (can be a trial version)
No prior knowledge required



CG素材岛 » PS中2D爆炸VFX特效动画制作工作流视频教程