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本模型是关于25组高精度逼真水果3D模型合集,大小:2.3 GB,格式:MAX,PNG,JPG等,供设计师学习使用。


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REAL FRUITS is a set of highly realistic fruit models and bowls for advertising or decoration in architecture. The bundle includes over 90 3d models from a selection of 25 CHOICE FRUITS, EXOTIC FRUITS, CITRUS FRUITS and MELONS plus 15 ARRANGEMENTS of fruits in bowls and plates, ready to be put into a scene. All models are created from real fruits by using multi-angle photographs as source for the modeling and texturing. All models are available for 3DS MAX, Blender, CINEMA 4D, MODO, Sketchup, Rhino and in OBJ and FBX format.



CG素材岛 » 25组高精度逼真水果3D模型合集