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本教程是漫画中女孩男孩角色传统绘画训练视频教程,时长:7小时,大小:9 GB,MP4高清格式,使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Manar Mouafak Ali,共41个章节,语言:英文。


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Your way to become a professional anime and manga artist without any previous experience
What you’ll learn
Draw the head in all its directions, movements and multiple shapes
Draw girls and boys eyes in many shapes and symmetry with each other
Draw the nose in many forms
Draw the mouth with multiple movements – easy and difficult ones
Defining feelings in the easiest way
Drawing girls’ hair with many models
Drawing boys hair with many models
Body drawing base – easily
Drawing bodies for different ages
Many movements of girls’ bodies
Many movements of boys bodies
The base for drawing the hand – With many movements to it
The base for drawing foot – With many movements to it
Drawing clothes (skirt – pants – sweaters – etc ..)
Clothing wrinkles and correct common mistakes when drawing clothes wrinkles
Drawing complete pictures – with using Course rules (the face of a girl in front of me – the face of a side girl – the face of a young man in front (with two different images) – the face of a man with sharp features – drawing a girl crying.
We need simple tools (see the free video for the tools inside the course)


CG素材岛 » 漫画中女孩男孩角色传统绘画训练视频教程