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SketchUp与Vray 5建筑架构设计核心技术视频教程-CG素材岛

SketchUp与Vray 5建筑架构设计核心技术视频教程


本教程是关于SketchUp与Vray 5建筑架构设计核心技术视频教程,时长:13小时,大小:11.4 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:SketchUp,Vray,作者:Sixon C Sunny,共64个章节,语言:英语。

Sketchup是一套直接面向设计方案创作过程的设计工具,其创作过程不仅能够充分表达设计师的思想而且完全满足与客户即时交流的需要,它使得设计师可以直接在电脑上进行十分直观的构思,是三维建筑设计方案创作的优秀工具。SketchUp是一个极受欢迎并且易于使用的3D设计软件,官方网站将它比喻作电子设计中的“铅笔”。它的主要卖点就是使用简便,人人都可以快速上手。并且用户可以将使用SketchUp创建的3D模型直接输出至Google Earth里,非常的酷!Software公司成立于2000年,规模较小,但却以SketchUp而闻名。

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Learn 3D Architecture Designing in Sketchup using VRay 5 from Beginner to Professional level
What you’ll learn
Learn 3D Architecture Designing in Sketchup using Vray 5
Easily migrate from other 3D Software to Sketchup for 3D Architectural Visualization
Learn How to do Modelling, Texturing, Lighting and Rendering in Sketchup and Create Stunning Day and Night view Architecture Renders
Should know the basics of Sketchup
Should know the basic standard measurements and terms used in architecture designing
Should be able to understand the cad drawings
Learn 3D Architecture Designing in Sketchup using VRay 5 from Beginner to Professional level and learn the basics to advanced techniques in Sketchup and VRAY and become an expert in using it.
Import Cad drawing into Sketchup and do Precision Modeling as per Required Dimensions
Create a Detailed House Model as per Drawing and Give Textures
Creating Landscape and Lighting up the Scene with HDRI Lighting Setup Using VRay
Create grass and use VRay Fur to apply grass
Apply Advanced Materials in Sketchup Using Vray
Import and Export Proxy Items into Sketchup Using Vray
Light up the scene in Sketchup Using Vray Lighting
Adding and Managing Scenes and Camera
Rendering the Scene in Daylight and Night Lighting Environment
Who this course is for:
People who are interested in learning 3D architectural designing using Sketchup and Vray 5
People who want to learn SketchUp from beginner to advanced level Modelling, Texturing, Lighting and Rendering
People who want to migrate from other 3D architectural designing software to Sketchup


CG素材岛 » SketchUp与Vray 5建筑架构设计核心技术视频教程