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3dsMax中V-Ray Next室内场景终极渲染技术视频教程-CG素材岛

3dsMax中V-Ray Next室内场景终极渲染技术视频教程


本教程是关于3dsMax中V-Ray Next室内场景终极渲染技术视频教程,时长:1小时37分,大小:1.2 GB,MKV高清视频格式,教程使用软件:3dsmax,V-Ray Next,PS,共20个章节,作者:AbdulRahman Reziq,语言:英语。


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Hello and welcome, in this class you will learn how to create stunning 3d interior renderings using Autodesk 3ds Max and the latest update of the rendering plugin from Chaos Group V-Ray Next.
We will begin by tweaking some basic 3ds max settings, and importing our 2d cad plan, from there will start modeling our scene, adding furniture and models, then we will set up our cameras, lights, and materials, then we will adjust our final render settings. Finally, we will finish our render by post-processing in Adobe Photoshop.
Class requirements:
Prior experience in a design field is helpful, but not necessary.
Preliminary knowledge of 3Ds Max workplace and commands.
It does not matter what version of 3Ds Max you are using, you can achieve the same results.


CG素材岛 » 3dsMax中V-Ray Next室内场景终极渲染技术视频教程