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宝马跑车BMW M4 Coupe G82 2021真实汽车高质量3D模型-CG素材岛

宝马跑车BMW M4 Coupe G82 2021真实汽车高质量3D模型


本模型是关于宝马跑车BMW M4 Coupe G82 2021真实汽车高质量3D模型,大小:90 MB,格式:fbx, JPG等,包含3D模型与贴图文件,供设计师学习使用。



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Ready to render at 3dsmax with VRAY 3 and also Corona 2
Two rendering studios are included for VRAY3 and Corona2, with all lightning, materials, background setups
3dsmax 2010 format is also included, but without lightning/rendering studio setups and with standard materials only.
Other than 3dsmax files (3ds,fbx,lwo,c4d,obj) include only standard materials without advanced shadders or background setup.
3dsmax format is editable, with uncollapsed smoothing modifier.
Maya format is editable with uncollapsed smoothing modifier.
All other formats are exported as a hipoly only!
The lowest available meshsmooth level for 3dsmax and Maya formats is shown at the wire view, next to the hipoly wire view.
For this product there’s 3 different 3dsmax files included.
‘Set’ is uncollapsed, it’s a file where you can make changes at the model.
‘Hipoly’ is collapsed to hipoly with all the modifiers history cleaned to make it trouble free while using at other programs
‘Studio’ is the file with all rendering setups that we used to make the previews renderings.
Because different computers have different disks topology, it might be necessary to change the textures patches on the destination computer.


CG素材岛 » 宝马跑车BMW M4 Coupe G82 2021真实汽车高质量3D模型