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本游戏资料是科幻女巫精灵3D角色Unity游戏素材资源,大小:86 MB ,格式:unitypackage,使用软件:unity3.5.5,资产版本:Version 1(current),供广大设计师学习使用,语言:英语。


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Okay, she’s beautiful, but don’t let her innocent look fool you. The Royal Sorceress is a powerful offensive caster, knowledgeable in the arcane arts that cause pain and suffering. She is also proficient in manipulating the winds of magic to create powerful destructive spells… She is vulnerable to both melee and missile assaults though.
– Fully rigged, textured and animated.
– Total 25 animations + facial rig and animations + staff animations + boobs bouncing XD.
– Animations: walk, run, roll, stand, stand blink, idle, talk, deny, stand to fly, fly, fly attack, fly right, fly left, fly backward, fly forward, fly to stand, attack 1, attack 2, attack 3, attack 4, attack 5, attack 6, hit 1, hit 2, death.
– character + armor 17421 tris, staff: 3584 tris.
– Textures: diffuse map, normal map, specular map, opacity map.


CG素材岛 » 科幻女巫精灵3D角色Unity游戏素材资源