

本合集是关于900组女性击剑战斗动态姿势造型高清参考图片合集,大小:4.5 GB ,格式:JPG,分辨率:6K,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材。


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We are excited to present our new reference pack featuring fencing, dynamic battle poses, and overall great angles and posture choices to boost your art!
We selected the best poses to help you improve your art process – it’s perfect for figure drawing, studies, photobashing and illustration pose references.
Disclaimer: All models in our photoshoots are participating in the process willingly and are being paid fairly for their amazing job. Any intense scenes, nudity, pose choices are being discussed and approved by them. Any of the models’ body features, accessories, clothing, tattoos etc. are not meant to infringe upon any beliefs and do not aim to culturally misappropriate elements being presented in the refpacks.



CG素材岛 » 900组女性击剑战斗动态姿势造型高清参考图片合集