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本合集是关于1500组360度旋转女性姿势造型高清参考图片合集,大小:4.2 GB ,格式:JPG,分辨率:6K,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材。


%title插图%num %title插图%num %title插图%num %title插图%num

In this release, we combined over 1500 pictures that show the models in a full rotation view. This is a perfect tool for character line-ups, 3D modeling, or anatomy practice. The refpack includes 4 different models who kindly posed for us.
Biggest thanks to our audience for continuous support – we were able to order a rotating platform that allows us to have epic turnaround shots! You are the best!
Keywords and topics mentioned: 3D modeling reference pictures, turnaround character reference pictures, rotation reference pictures, turnaround female reference pictures



CG素材岛 » 1500组360度旋转女性姿势造型高清参考图片合集