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Vizoo3D xTex纹理材质制作软件V2.3.3版-CG素材岛

Vizoo3D xTex纹理材质制作软件V2.3.3版


本软件是关于Vizoo3D xTex纹理材质软件V2.3.3版,大小:290 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

Vizoo3D xtex(纹理材质贴图制作工具)是一款非常专业实用的3D纹理材质制作软件。该软件以前所未有的速度创建无缝纹理贴图,将您的3D材料数字化。如果需要自定义纹理材质贴图,则可以尝试使用此软件进行制作。Vizoo3D xtex具有简单而优雅的界面以及简单的操作。内置的渲染器3D内部结构可以实时预览,它可以帮助用户基于物理颜色,透明度,高光,发现和高质量置换图来快速捕获拍摄材料的纹理,自动创建纹理循环和各种贴图。它非常的易于使用,即使你没有任何的经验也能比较容易的创建出高质量的材料,它还可以与其他的3D软件搭配使用。以满足用户的需求。





Tired of Photoshop and Crazybump? You can now profit from the unbeaten xTex workflow even if you do not own our scanner. Use images from the internet, from a flatbed scanner or a digital camera and create seamless materials faster than ever before.
xTex creates all maps automatically
Select the textures to create and load your image into xTex. Et voilà!
Different texture maps in xTex
xTex currently supports these texture types: Color/Diffuse/Albedo, Specular, Normal, Roughness, Displacement, Alpha/Transparency.
Best in class tiling algorithms
Use our great tools to create seamless textures.
You have the choice between Stitching and Synthesis algorithms to achieve the best possible result for any use case.
Seamlessly tiled texture in xTex
You can choose between two types of special algorithms for automatic tiling – Stitching and Synthesis. Both create seamless textures and can be used intuitively, based on your input and the individual requirements of the material. With Synthesis you can even customize the output size and create large textures from small samples.
Adjustable normal maps
Finetune your normal maps and preview the effect directly in 3D!
Adjustment of a normal map in xTex
Transparency detection
No more tedious manual selection of transparent parts. Define the transparent color and let xTex create an accurate Alpha map based on pixel color.
Transparency detection in xTex
Use a flat, solid-colored cardboard or paper below the the material to capture its transparent areas.
Easy recoloring
You have different color variations of one material? No need to scan them seperately – with xTex you can easily recolor your materials.
Material in different color variations
The recoloring tool automatically detects the colors in the image.
Internal 3D realtime viewport
Preview your textures and materials inside xTex. You can choose between different geometries and surroundings or even load your own.
3D preview of a material in xTex
The internal renderer is in realtime and OpenGL based. xTex comes with some base geometries (Sphere, Plane and Cloth) and environment textures but you can also load your own. Supported geometry format is Collada (.dae).
Well connected
xTex textures are universal and suitable for basically every 3D software.
For many programs we have even built a direct connection to transfer material data with the push of a button.
Transferring a material from xTex to VRED
Direct connection is available for the following programs:
3DsMax, Maya, VRED (all Autodesk), Blender, Clo3D (by import), V-Stitcher (by import), Vidya (by import).
Connected with Photoshop
You will hardly ever need it – but xTex integrates well with Photoshop.
Transferring a material from xTex to Photoshop
xTex sends single textures or entire materials to Photoshop. After editing you can get the result back in xTex, with the push of a single button.


CG素材岛 » Vizoo3D xTex纹理材质制作软件V2.3.3版