本专辑是关于魔界村游戏配乐原声大碟OST音乐素材合集,大小:323 MB,格式: MP3/ FLAC,压缩比率:320Kbps / 无损,供广大设计师学习使用。
1 Opening
2 Main Menu
3 Choose Your Path
4 Pick Your Poison
5 Stage Selected
6 Zone 1: Graveyard
7 Red Arremer Appears
8 Zone 1: Execution Grounds
9 Pigman Appears
10 Zone 2: Crystanlline City
11 Zone 2: Hellfire Hamlet
12 Zone 3: Caverns of the Occult
13 Zone 4: Citadel Approach
14 Catacombs Challenge
15 Boss Appears
16 Boss Battle
17 Stage Complete
18 Zone 5: Shadowlord’s Citadel
19 Astaroth Appears
20 Final Boss Appears
21 Final Boss Battle
22 Final Boss Defeated
23 Credits
24 The End?
25 Final Boss Defeated (Secret Ending)
26 Credits (Secret Ending)
27 The End