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高质量超豪华豪宅别墅内外部建筑场景3D模型合集 Evermotion Archexteriors第27季-CG素材岛

高质量超豪华豪宅别墅内外部建筑场景3D模型合集 Evermotion Archexteriors第27季


本模型是关于高质量超豪华豪宅别墅内外部建筑场景3D模型合集 Evermotion Archexteriors第27季,大小:2.9 GB,格式:max,vrmesh,jpg,png等,供设计师学习使用。


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Archexteriors vol. 27 includes an exterior and an interior of a completely created building. There are 20 cameras inside and outside of the house (top view camera is not included). You can find here fully furnished kitchen, living room, bathroom, children’s rooms, laundry, sauna and hall. The exterior of the building with swimming pool is surrounded by vegetation.
Scene is prepared for V-ray 3.0 with 3dsmax 2011 (or higher).
Two versions of project files included – one is optimized for Forest Pack plugin, the other one do not need it.
Eleven 360° hdr maps included (5000px)
All presented renders are with postproduction. PSD files are included.
Recommended system specification: Intel i7 PC with 32 GB of ram and 64bit system
*.max – 2011 or higher
V-Ray *.max – 3.0 or higher


CG素材岛 » 高质量超豪华豪宅别墅内外部建筑场景3D模型合集 Evermotion Archexteriors第27季