

本游戏资料是卡通竞速赛车交通工具模型Unity游戏素材资源,大小:26 MB ,格式:unitypackage,使用软件:unity2018.4.0,资产版本:Version 1.3(current),供广大设计师学习使用,语言:英语。



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Suggestions? Questions? Get in touch with us:
*Forum Thread*
The package contains:
32 Vehicles:
(x12) Racing cars
(x12) Rally cars
(x8) Monster trucks
– Track building kit:
(+50) Track pieces, stands, ramps, & more
(x25) Racing related props
(x4) Buildings
For performance reasons, the models use a tiny 128*128 color texture and a 128*4 toon ramp.
All models have a low poly count, ranging from a few triangles for the simplest models, to 7000 triangles for the more complex ones.
URP compatibity is added, for Unity versions starting from 2019.3 and later (check documentation inside the package for an easy installation).


CG素材岛 » 卡通竞速赛车交通工具模型Unity游戏素材资源