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本视频教程是OpenToonz动画师养成基础技能训练视频教程,时长:2小时35分,大小:2.3 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Moho Pro,附源文件,作者:Ferdinand Engländer,共18个章节,语言:英语。

这门课将在一个名为Open Toonz的免费开源2D动画软件中,通过一个非常有条理的动画工作流程来锻炼你。

OpenToonz是吉卜力工作室为自己的御用动画制作软件Toonz的开源版。OpenToonz 基于软件 “Toonz”,由意大利的 Digital Video S.p.A. 开发,由 Studio Ghibli 进行定制,并已用于创建其作品多年。Dwango 与 Digital Video 和 Studio Ghibli 合作,推出了这个 OpenToonz 项目。这个软件可以被任何人免费使用,无论使用的目的是商业与否。


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Do you want to become an animator? To create epic, heavy monsters or tiny, cute creatures you need to understand how and why they move differently.
If you get it right, your audience will believe that they have beings with a real physical presence in front of them.
Weight in animation is tough to get right, but by practicing and building a solid foundation you are getting ready for even the most difficult challenges.
This beginner course is the first step to truly master basic animation principles of physics and body mechanics.
And we will not stop at the usual practice animations (the famous bouncing ball) like most beginner tutorials do. We will create a cool looping character animation to see the principles in action.
This class will work you through a very organized animation workflow in a free, open-source 2D animation software called Open Toonz.


CG素材岛 » OpenToonz动画师养成基础技能训练视频教程