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本模板是关于il-viaggiatore系列影视级LUT调色预设合集,大小:4 MB,格式:CUBE,使用软件版本:AE,PR,FCPX,Speedgrade,Nuke,达芬奇,PS,LR等,支持Win与Mac版。

LUT 是 Look Up Table 的简称,直译就是「检查表」的意思。有时我们也会称它为「颜色查找表」、「色彩对应表」等。简单来说,你可以把 LUT 视为某种 函数,每个像素的色彩信息经过 LUT 的「重新定位」之后,就能得到一个新的色彩值。当你的作品通过 LUT 输出时,就会呈现出不同的色彩,某种程度上来说和一些图片处理软件的滤镜有些相似(但两者的算法逻辑是不一样的)。

These LUT’s were heavily inspired by my trip with my wife to Italy where we got to tour Italy for 7 days. Il Viaggiatore – The Traveler. These LUT’s have worked everywhere, and can not only be used in Premiere + FCPX, but I also have them loaded on my SmallHD monitor to use while I shoot. I hope that these LUT’s inspire you to shoot more and to dive deeper into your creative journey.


CG素材岛 » il-viaggiatore系列影视级LUT调色预设合集