RetopoFlow 是 Blender 的完整重新拓扑模式,有助于在高分辨率雕刻之上快速创建自定义、干净、中或低多边形网格。
单独模式不仅可以帮助我们获得比 Blender 默认提供的更多模型信息(因此我们的工具可以比当今可用的任何其他工具更有效地工作),而且还可以以更有用的方式显示几何。RetopoFlow 模式的自定义网格渲染是目前在 Blender 中查看低多边形几何体干净地叠加在高多边形网格上而没有重叠、扭曲或深度排序问题的唯一方法。
最新版本:Retopoflow v3.1.0
安装版本:适用于Blender 2.8X 2.9X
- 轮廓工具为大家提供了一种快速简便的方法来重新拓扑圆柱形状,例如,它非常适合有机形式,例如手臂,腿,触手,尾巴,角等。该工具通过绘制垂直于表格的笔划来定义形状的轮廓, 绘制第一个笔触后,会立即生成一个预览网格,向确切显示您将获得的结果,可以从任意方向以任意顺序绘制任意数量的笔触。
- 在需要绝对控制每个顶点位置的情况下(例如低多边形游戏模型),PolyPen提供了快速拓扑所需的一切。使用此工具,只需单击几下,即可在一个工具内全部插入顶点,拉伸边线,填充面以及变换后续几何图形。
- Polystrips通过手动将笔划绘制到高分辨率对象上来工作,笔触立即转换为基于样条的多边形带,可用于快速绘制出关键拓扑流程,即时生成干净的网格预览,向显示将要创建的确切网格。
- 快速笔触拉伸选择,并用单个笔触快速填充四边形区域。
- 用修补程序对基于选区的填充进行大面积网格填充,并带有预可视化功能,从而使调整快速简便。
Upgrading from RetopoFlow 2? Here’s what’s new in RetopoFlow 3:
- Support for Blender 2.8+
- Left click select support for all tools
- Added shortcut hints to Blender’s Status Bar
- Improved design for the interface, tooltips, icons, labels, and gizmos
- Minimizable toolbar for distraction-free work
- A pie menu (the ‘~’ key) to quickly switch between tools
- Several critical tool speedups
- Refactored save and autosave features
- Start up checks, such as for inverted normals, to make sure the project is ready for retopology
- Added controls to the Relax tool so it can be adapted for tricky situations
- Added an all-quad insert mode for the PolyPen tool
- Added ‘R’ and ‘S’ hotkeys for rotating and scaling in any tool
- Many small performance and stability improvements
We also have a few known limitations in version 3 that we’ll be working on improving in future updates:
- Clicking UI buttons may have a split second delay
- RetopoFlow can only handle polygon information as fast as Blender can provide it, so retopology with source sculpts above 1m polygons or target meshes above 20k polygons is not recommended. Please note that you can work with a decimated copy of a high poly mesh, and as long as the decimation doesn’t visibly change the silhouette, the resulting retopologized mesh will be exactly identical.
- Since RetopoFlow is its own custom mode that needs to draw on top of Blender, the Blender interface will be covered over and unavailable. Not all Edit Mode tools and no other addons will be available while RF is active.