

模型是关于逼真微距人物瞳孔眼睛中真实世界纹理3D模型合集,大小:360 MB,可调整替换很多细节,供广大设计师学习使用。需要使用软件:DAZ Studio或者Poser。

威廉·莎士比亚曾说过:“眼睛是你灵魂的窗户。”。看看Daz3D.com画廊里最受欢迎的图片,我可以看出这是真的。但我相信最真实的渲染结果不应该只留给最有经验的Daz Studio用户。这就是为什么我为伊雷和创世纪3制作了巨眼。这个超级详细的眼睛纹理集、Iray Uber着色器和自定义眼睛变形通过双击预设为Iray渲染带来全新的真实感。

这款由48种美丽、真实世界的眼睛颜色组成的套装,从细微到明亮,适用于Genesis 3女性和Genesis 3男性,将为您的角色提供许多新的眼色。他们将增强和增加更多的怀疑暂停到你的幻想和科幻渲染以及。但真正的优势在于特写和肖像。眼睛的每个部分都得到了增强,以充分利用Iray基于物理的渲染。通过宏观观察,曲面边界可以优雅地相互融合,就像在现实生活中一样。彩色和调制法线贴图的手动增强、双分辨率、基于照片的细节可能会让你怀疑你是在看刚刚制作的特写渲染,还是微距摄影的一个主要例子。用宏眼给你的眼睛带来更多的生命!












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Compatible Figures: Genesis 3 Female, Genesis 3 Male
Compatible Software: Daz Studio 4.15
William Shakespeare once said “The Eyes are the window to your soul”. Looking at the most popular images in the Galleries here at Daz3D.com, I can see that’s true. But I believe that the most realistic render results shouldn’t be reserved for just the most experienced Daz Studio users. That’s why I made Macro Eyes for Iray and Genesis 3. This super detailed set of eye textures, Iray Uber shaders, and custom eye morphs bring a whole new level of realism to your Iray renders with the double-click of a preset.
This bundle collection of 48 beautiful, real world eye colors ,ranging from subtle to brilliant, for Genesis 3 Female and Genesis 3 Male will give you lots of new eye otions for your characters. They will enhance and add more suspension of disbelief to your Fantasy and SciFi renders as well. But the true advantage comes into play with close-ups and portraiture. Every part of the eye has been enhanced to make the most out of Iray’s Physically Based Rendering. With Macro Eyes, surface boundaries blend gracefully into one another just like in real life. And the hand enhanced, double resolution, photo based detail for color and modulated normal maps may leed you to question whether you are looking at a close-up render you just made or a prime example of Macro Photography. Bring more life to your eyes with Macro Eyes!
Key Features Include:
Twice the detail (Read More)
Increased height detail and accuracy (Read More)
Heterochromia (Read More)
Right and Left Dilation (Read More)
Curved Iris (Read More)
Subtle Transitions (Read More)
Increased Lacrimal Realism (Read More)
More Realistic Eyelashes (Read More)
Naturally Moist Eyelids (Read More)


CG素材岛 » 逼真微距人物瞳孔眼睛中真实世界纹理3D模型合集