刀剑斧武器道具Unreal Engine游戏素材资源


本资料是关于刀剑斧武器道具Unreal Engine游戏素材资源,大小:860 MB,使用软件:Unreal Engine 4.19 – 4.27,语言:英语。

4 把维京剑、2 把矛、3 把刀、3 把斧头和 2 把盾牌的高品质收藏。6 个蓝图允许选择每种类型武器的样式,并允许安排网格的损坏强度和粗糙度。Shield_02 蓝图有 20 种不同的油漆和 2 种不同的金属屏蔽网。适合游戏类型,例如维京人、中世纪主题、开放世界。
重要说明:4.24 之后的版本可用的新功能!现在,您可以为所有资产添加血和雪细节。此外,刀蓝图允许您为有护套的刀添加护套。
4 把高品质的维京剑
2 把高品质的维京长矛
3 把高品质的维京斧
3 把高品质维京刀和 2 把刀鞘
2 高品质维京盾。Shield_02 有 20 个实例材质,允许选择不同的油漆和金属类型。
4 种武器和 2 种盾牌的 6 个蓝图,每个蓝图都可以安排伤害强度和粗糙度。此外shield_02 蓝图允许选择盾牌和金属类型的油漆。
顶点数:5469-3907 verts [676-4078 tris] 轴,195-465 verts [276-580 tris] 长矛,314-538 verts [432-732 tris] 剑,1435-5616 verts [276-580 tris] tris] 用于盾牌,541-1608 verts [664-2488 tris] 用于刀,292-854 verts [392-940 tris] 用于刀鞘。
LOD:长矛和剑的 LOD0-LOD2,其余网格的 LOD0_LOD3。
数:16 材质和材质实例
数:16 种材质和 36 个材质实例纹理数:136(4.24 之后的版本有 4 个新纹理和 32 个蒙版纹理。)


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High Quality Collection of 4 Viking Sword, 2 Spear, 3 Knifes, 3 Axes and 2 Shield. 6 Blueprints allow to select style of each type of weapons and allow to arrange damage intensity and roughness of meshes. Shield_02 Blueprint has 20 different of paint and 2 different kinds of metal for shield mesh. Fits for game genres such as, Viking, Medieval theme, Open World.
Important Note: New Features available for versions, after 4.24 ! Now, you can add blood and snow detail to all assets. Also Knife blueprints allows you to add sheath to knife which have sheath.
Do not forget to check my other weapon and shield pack from here.
Technical Details
4 High Quality Viking Swords
2 High Quality Viking Spears
3 High Quality Viking Axes
3 High Quality Viking Knifes and 2 Knife Sheath
2 High Quality Viking Shield. Shield_02 has 20 instance material to allow select different paint and metal type.
6 Blueprints for 4 type of weapons and 2 type of shields, each allows to arrange damage intensity and roughness. Also shield_02 Blueprint allows to choice paint of shield and metal type.
After 4.24 versions , Blood and Snow detail can be added to all assets.
Texture Sizes: 2048×2048
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Collision: Custom for each mesh.
Vertex Count: 5469-3907 verts [676-4078 tris] for axes, 195-465 verts [276-580 tris] for spears, 314-538 verts [432-732 tris] for swords, 1435-5099 verts [2166-612 tris] for shields, 541-1608 verts [664-2488 tris] for knifes and 292-854 verts [392-940 tris] for knife’s sheath.
LODs: LOD0-LOD2 for spears and swords, LOD0_LOD3 for rest of meshes.
Number of Meshes: 16
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 16 Materials and 36 Material Instance
Number of Textures: 136 (4 new texture and 32 mask texture for versions, after 4.24.)


CG素材岛 » 刀剑斧武器道具Unreal Engine游戏素材资源