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本游戏资料是堆叠缩放瓷砖2D环境Unity游戏素材资源,大小:10 MB ,格式:unitypackage,使用软件:unity2018.3.0,资产版本:Version1.01 (current),供广大设计师学习使用,语言:英语。

该软件包将我们的 Golden Skull Isometric 和 Hexagonal Tile Pack 转换为 2.5D 和 3D Tiles。
2.5D 意味着它们没有背面或底部。精灵被投影到一个简单的网格上,为您提供更大的灵活性,并使其更容易设置和迭代。
您可以将您的瓷砖放置在 3D 空间中,并堆叠和缩放它们以获得更多种类。您可以对瓷砖使用 DOF 和其他基于深度的图像效果!
光照贴图可能需要额外的设置。Unity 的标准设置已在所有 3D 网格上成功测试。2,5D 网格可能有伪影。1.01 版为低等距图块添加了 3 个转换网格。


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This package will convert our Golden Skull Isometric and Hexagonal Tile Packs into 2.5D and 3D Tiles.
2.5D means they have no backfaces or bottoms. The sprites are projected onto a simple mesh to give you more flexibility and make it easier to setup and iterate.
You can place your Tiles in 3D space and stack and scale them for even more variety. You can use DOF and other depth based Image Effects with the tiles!
Finally free choice between orthographic and perspective cameras.
Make your worlds pop with dynamic lights and shadows!
Lightmapping may need additional setup. Unity’s standard settings were tested successfully on all 3D meshes. 2,5D Meshes may have artifacts. Version 1.01 adds 3 conversion meshes for the low isometric tiles.


CG素材岛 » 堆叠缩放瓷砖2D环境Unity游戏素材资源