不同季节风格化绿植室外森林场景Unreal Engine游戏素材资源


本资料是关于不同季节风格化绿植室外森林场景Unreal Engine游戏素材资源,大小:120 MB,使用软件:Unreal Engine 4.14 – 4.27,语言:英语。


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Technical Details
Two Bushes
Three Grass Clusters
Fifteen Rocks
Two Ferns
Three Flowers
Two Fallen Trees
Ten Trees
Camp food Stand
Two Camp Pots
Two Log Chairs
Two Fire Pits
Two Tents
Wood Pile
Texture Sizes:
Terrain Texture is 4096
Flowers Texture are 1024
All other Textures are 2048
Collision: Rocks use Auto-Convex Collision. Trees use Capsule Collision.
Vertex Count: 16 – 3137
LODs: Yes, all meshes have 2 LODs.
Number of Meshes: 47
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 55
Number of Textures: 36
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows


CG素材岛 » 不同季节风格化绿植室外森林场景Unreal Engine游戏素材资源