本合集是关于100组8K木质地板PBR无缝纹理贴图合集 CGAxis第20季,大小:18 GB,格式:JPG,分辨率:8192×8192,供广大设计师学习使用。
Physical. is a new exclusive line of PBR textures created by CGAxis.
Physical is available exclusively only on CGAxis. The collection is a set of 500 textures entirely new PBR textures divided into five topics.
When creating Physical., we’ve aimed to achieve the best photorealistic quality possible. Included textures are 100% seamless, ultra-sharp, and detailed.
Parquets PBR Textures
100 PBR textures of parquets in 8K
100 PBR Textures of parquets and wooden floor tiling with many different colors: made with light and dark wood, rough and old, clean and shiny, with patterns such as: herringbone, chevron, brick bond, mosaic, chantilly and more.
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