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本专辑是关于《星之海》游戏配乐原声大碟OST音乐素材,大小:4.6 GB,格式:MP3/FLAC,压缩比率:320Kbps/无损,供广大设计师学习使用。CG素材岛分享

《星之海》是Sabotage Studio制作的回合制像素角色扮演游戏,游戏于2023年8月29日登陆了PS5、PS4、Xbox、Switch及PC平台。




1 Title Screen
2 The Great Archives
3 The Mountain Trail (Day)
4 Mooncradle (Day)
5 Devoted Warriors
6 The Forbidden Cavern
7 Zenith Academy
8 Path of Ascension
9 Wyrd the Training Golem
10 Dance Of 1,000 Suns
11 The Elder Mist
12 Trials in the Mist
13 Crucible of Confirmation
14 X’tol’s Landing
15 Sleeper Island
16 Across the Moorlands (Day)
17 Teaks the Travelling Historian
18 Panic! At The Outpost
19 The Mole Masons (Day)
20 Sleeping On The Job
21 Molekin Shoppe
22 Whispering Winds: The Serpent’s Lullaby
23 The Evil Wind Mage..?
24 Malkomud Strikes!
25 Malko And Rocky
26 Serenade of Respite (Day)
27 Port Town (Day)
28 Seafaring Scallywags
29 The Humble Boast Tavern
30 Black Market
31 Hyperchromatic Necrodimensions
32 The Shallow Mire
33 Wraith Island
34 The Docks of Wraith Island
35 Town of Lucent
36 Cursed Woods
37 A Woeful Lament
38 Sailor of Bogs Unknown
39 We Shouldn’t Be Here
40 Clash!
41 Lair of the Necromancer
42 Encounter Elite!
43 Storytime Interlude: Chorus of Content
44 In the Womb of the Stars
45 Symphony of Shadowed Halls
46 The Dweller of Woe
47 The Acolytes
48 Besieged
49 Ruins of Strife
50 Battle On!
51 Sea of Nightmare
52 Isle of Stormcaller
53 The Storm Calls For You!
54 Stinger: Hortence Solo
55 Melisma of the Waters
56 Settler Island
57 The Town of Mirth (Day)
58 Monuments to the Ancients
59 Watcher Island
60 Through The Jungle (Day)
61 Malevolent Confrontation!
62 The Lost Village of Docarri (Day)
63 The Oracle of Tides
64 Shoppe
65 Sacred Secrets (Day)
66 Temple Beneath the Tides
67 The Frozen Peak (Day)
68 Baby Gorillas
69 Dweller’s Fury
70 Descant of the Dweller
71 Frolic and Flourish
72 Port Town: Restored
73 A Day At The Lake
74 Mesa Island
75 Khukkar’s Task
76 Hills Of Determination (Day)
77 Stinger: The Strolling Minstrel
78 Detritus Born
79 The Bamboo Forest (Day)
80 Songshroom’s Wonders (Day)
81 Crone of the Marsh
82 The Clockwork Castle
83 Triumph Encompassed
84 Cael and the Kids
85 The Watchmaker
86 Army of Strife
87 Aephorul Returns
88 Meeting Outside Time
89 Eternal Bonds of The Warrior Cook
90 The Skylands
91 Kingdom in the Clouds (Day)
92 The Sky Giant Council
93 Zephyr & Sky (Day)
94 Volcanic Pursuit
95 The Warrior Cook’s Calling
96 Elegy of the Hero
97 Beyond The Stars
98 Level Up
99 Sinister Unknown
100 Broken World
101 A Village Forsaken
102 Way of the Rogue
103 Stars Align on the Assembly Line
104 Battle On! v2.1 (Day)
105 Storytime Interlude: Partida of Prophecy
106 Traversing The Cerulean Expanse
107 The Lost Ones
108 Aephorul’s Abandoned Workshop
109 B’stie Boy
110 The Sacrosanct Spires
111 Warden of the Spires
112 Temple of Sacrosanct
113 Eminent Rise of the Triumvirate
114 Echoes of Wonder; Shadows of Dread
115 Sky Base
116 The Artificer
117 Horizons Unbound
118 The Infinite Abyss
119 Celestial Quandary (Day)
120 Lair of the Fleshmancer
121 Duplicitous Wrath, Pt. I
122 Duplicitous Wrath, Pt. II
123 Ascension
124 Stinger: Rest
125 Stinger: Learned Skill
126 Stinger: Joins Cargo
127 Stinger: Joins Party
128 Stinger: Catch Fish
129 Stinger: New Story Unlocked
130 Stinger: Key Item Small
131 Stinger: Key Item Big
132 Fanfare


1 The Mountain Trail (Night)
2 Mooncradle (Night)
3 Across The Moorlands (Night)
4 The Mole Masons (Night)
5 Serenade of Respite (Night)
6 Port Town (Night)
7 Battle On! (Night)
8 The Town of Mirth (Night)
9 Through The Jungle (Night)
10 The Lost Village of Docarri (Night)
11 Encounter Elite! v2.1
12 Storytime Interlude: Melody of Morose
13 Sacred Secrets (Night)
14 The Frozen Peak (Night)
15 Hills of Determination (Night)
16 The Bamboo Forest (Night)
17 Songshroom’s Wonders (Night)
18 Kingdom in the Clouds (Night)
19 Zephyr & Sky (Night)
20 Storytime Interlude: Dirge of Dire
21 Battle On! v2.1 (Night)
22 Pulse of the World
23 Might of the Necromancer
24 Quizzmaster’s Rag
25 Golden Elegance
26 Celestial Quandary (Night)
27 A Village Redeemed
28 Another Day at the Lake
29 Those Fish Are Bitin’
30 Skirmish for Glory!
31 Overture Of Legend: The Beast Awakens
32 Harrowing Hallucinations
33 Fury of the Fleshmancer: The Final Stand
34 Guardian Gods: Horizons Unbound
35 Fanfare v2.1
36 Staff Roll
37 Game Over


1 The Mountain Trail (Pirate Version)
2 Mooncradle (Pirate Version)
3 Dance of 1,000 Suns (Pirate Version)
4 Trials in the Mist (Pirate Version)
5 Sleeper Island (Pirate Version)
6 Across the Moorlands (Pirate Version)
7 Teaks the Travelling Historian (Pirate Version)
8 The Mole Masons (Pirate Version)
9 Whispering Winds: The Serpent’s Lullaby (Pirate Version)
10 Port Town (Pirate Version)
11 Town of Lucent (Pirate Version)
12 Sailor of Bogs Unknown (Pirate Version)
13 Cursed Woods (Pirate Version)
14 Clash! (Pirate Version)
15 Lair of the Necromancer (Pirate Version)
16 Battle On! (Pirate Version)
17 Sea of Nightmare (Pirate Version)
18 The Storm Calls For You! (Pirate Version)
19 Watcher Island (Pirate Version)
20 Baby Gorillas (Pirate Version)
21 Through The Jungle (Pirate Version)
22 The Frozen Peak (Pirate Version)
23 Malevolent Confrontation! (Pirate Version)
24 The Lost Village of Docarri (Pirate Version)
25 The Oracle of Tides (Pirate Version)
26 Temple Beneath the Tides (Pirate Version)
27 Hills of Destiny (Pirate Version)
28 Detritus Born (Pirate Version)
29 Songshroom’s Wonders (Pirate Version)
30 The Clockwork Castle (Pirate Version)
31 Cael and the Kids (Pirate Version)
32 Zephyr & Sky (Pirate Version)
33 Stars Align on the Assembly Line (Pirate Version)
34 The Lost Ones (Pirate Version)
35 Sky Base (Pirate Version)
36 Monuments to the Ancients (Pirate Version)
37 Encounter Elite! (Pirate Version)


CG素材岛 » 《星之海》游戏配乐原声大碟OST音乐素材