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10组高品质城市建筑外部景观3D模型合集 Evermotion Archexteriors第33季-CG素材岛

10组高品质城市建筑外部景观3D模型合集 Evermotion Archexteriors第33季


本模型合辑是关于10组高品质城市建筑外部景观3D模型合集 Evermotion Archexteriors第33季,大小:28 GB,格式:Max,JPG,供设计师学习使用。

Archexteriors vol. 33 includes 10 fully textured exterior scenes of modern cities. Every scene is ready to render with professional shaders and lighting.
Scenes are prepared for V-ray 3.6 with 3dsmax 2011 (or higher).
OBJ and FBX files included.
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Recommended system specification: Intel i7 PC with 32 GB of ram and 64bit system
max 2011 (Vray), textures included

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CG素材岛 » 10组高品质城市建筑外部景观3D模型合集 Evermotion Archexteriors第33季