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XrayCat Survival Toolkit高效动画流程3dsmax插件V1.5.410版-CG素材岛

XrayCat Survival Toolkit高效动画流程3dsmax插件V1.5.410版


本插件是关于XrayCat Survival Toolkit高效动画流程3dsmax插件V1.5.410版,大小:300 KB,支持3dsmax软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

A new toolkit to improve your animations and workflow with CAT in 3ds max.
Rig Creation
XayCat ST offers a set of shortcuts to the most useful 3dsmax functions regarding the creation and setup of a new rig.
Layer Manager 1.5
We designed a new, more friendly user interface to easily manage all the CAT layers and their properties, to instantly switch between “Setup” and “Animation” mode, reaizable window, autoscan of rigs in the scene and much more!
Pose Manager 1.5
With Pose Manager, you can copy and paste poses, mirror the rig, swap arms, hands, legs and feet with only one mouse click. In addition, all rig poses are stored with a preview image to easily retrieve them when you need, and a Limb Animation section is included to switch between IK and FK mode when animating a limb and Playback tool.
Clip Manager 1.5
This simple tool allows you to manage (load, save and delete) all your CAT clips. Very useful, for example, if you need to backup all your CAT layers and load them into another rig.
Joystick Creator 1.5
Joystick Creator is an easy and useful tool for all riggers and animators. It allows to create a simple yet powerful on-screen user interface, giving you control over the weights of all CAT rig layers and the possibility to associate them a morph target to add even more control on the animations. In version 1.5 we totally re-wrote the code, added 8 directions joystick mode, infinite layers (cat layers and morph target) for any map point of the joystick, different weights for any of the layer, easing curves to give different accelerations to each layer in the list , added a Joystick manager a non destructive system to edit the created joystick/s.


CG素材岛 » XrayCat Survival Toolkit高效动画流程3dsmax插件V1.5.410版