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本模型是关于魔幻场景发光魔术科幻战士动作姿势3D模型合集,大小:30 MB,可调整替换很多细节,供广大设计师学习使用。需要使用软件:DAZ Studio或者Poser。

Compatible Figures: N/A
Compatible Software: DAZ Studio 4.12
Create incredible magic or science fiction scenes with Soldiers Of Magic: Serpio!
Serpio is a brand new poseable and morphable figure including a special shader and embedded lights allowing you to reach an incredible amount of Magical and Special Effects. A magical staff and some magical spheres are also included.
Never leave your witches, wizards, faeries or space soldiers unarmed! Pose and morph the Serpio beam and you will have the perfect companion for your fantasy fighters, mages or war, healing priests, and even futuristic soldiers.
Serpio is coming with various materials, shaders, lights properties, and morphs presets, as well as full properties presets including all these elements at once.
Serpio is the ultimate tool for magic scenes renders, and its properties have been carefully designed to obtain fantastic results in animations too.
With Serpio, create your own magic with ease and with endless possibilities !

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CG素材岛 » 魔幻场景发光魔术科幻战士动作姿势3D模型合集