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Nitro4D NitroMoFracture v1.06-强大有趣的动力学爆炸破碎动画C4D插件 Win/Mac破解版 + 使用教程-CG素材岛

Nitro4D NitroMoFracture v1.06-强大有趣的动力学爆炸破碎动画C4D插件 Win/Mac破解版 + 使用教程




Unlock the power in Cinema4D r18 and Mogrpah with NitroMoFracture! Simple scene setup, just add the amazing new tool for AutoFracture to your object(s) in your scene, change some settings, hit play and see the results in real-time. Very easy to make changes to see different ideas.There is also the PaintTool to limit facturing to just where you paint. The PaintTool has access to the main plugin helping you to easily add fracturing, dynamics, materials, etc.


支持Win/Mac系统:Cinema 4D R15-S22 或更高版本


Nitro4D NitroMoFracture v1.06-强大有趣的动力学爆炸破碎动画C4D插件 Win/Mac破解版 + 使用教程

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rQ4CsHGRzmpci6H2nxDO9Q 提取码: a6k4


CG素材岛 » Nitro4D NitroMoFracture v1.06-强大有趣的动力学爆炸破碎动画C4D插件 Win/Mac破解版 + 使用教程