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Arnold阿诺德渲染器Katana 3.6插件V3.0.4.0版-CG素材岛

Arnold阿诺德渲染器Katana 3.6插件V3.0.4.0版


本插件是关于Arnold阿诺德渲染器Katana 3.6插件V3.0.4.0版,大小:1 GB,支持KATANA 3.2 – 3.6版,支持Win与Linux系统,语言:英语。


With its highly efficient, collaborative approach to look development and lighting, Katana? gives you the creative scope and scalability to meet the needs of today?s most demanding CG-rendering projects.
Hydra Powered Viewport
Katana now features a new, modern viewport powered by Pixar’s USD Hydra technology. Designed to render massively complex scenes, the Hydra viewport is a perfect addition to Katana?s Viewer API. Now artists can load huge scenes and view larger portions of their work with buttery-smooth interaction. To compliment this new level of user experience, there?s a set of artist-friendly transform handles, a rich API for creating custom object drawing and manipulators. This new viewport is the game changer all Katana artists have been waiting to have at their fingertips.




CG素材岛 » Arnold阿诺德渲染器Katana 3.6插件V3.0.4.0版